Monday, February 23, 2009

Miss muuhfuckin sick ass Sixty

This time last year instead of working
my ass off and waking up at 6am every
morning at MAGIC, I was in NY with retarded
good seats at fashion week. Miss Sixty being
my favorite show, even over all the couture
shit. & I'm glad to report that even without
my significant presence =) Miss Sixty
has done it again.

They seem to seal the deal with the detailing
in their accessories. Scarves, belts, bangles,
caps, bags, shades, they do it all. I'm single
handedly excited about the denim jumpers,
chiffon flowy tops (I hate when shits
uncomfortably tight) & the attention that they
have yet again tastefully shown to my dear
friend plaid =)

Till next time
xoxo Brenn of L.A. Bella