Friday, February 6, 2009

Impressive Interviews.

Confession: I saw the movie KIDS at way too young of an age. Nine years old to be exact. I'm pretty sure that explains why my two favorite actresses are Chloe Sevingy and Rosario Dawson. Chloe has yet to dissappoint me. A lot of people talk shit about the fashion risks she takes and the fact that she admits to doing drugs in her teen years, but gimmeafuckinbreak, she's human. Check out her interview in March's Missbehave. I love when bitches are unaplogetic about who they are.

I must admit not only was it refreshingly suprising to see footage of Weezy, where he isn't clearly off that lean but it was also enlightening to get a look into him minus the bullshit. We all know when it comes down to L.A. Bella Jaye is more of the "I want to set a good example type" which I whole heartedly respect. Me on the other hand, well Weezy put it best when he said "If you need an example how to live your life well then you just shouldn't of been born" lol check it out in this pre-Grammy interview

As much as I've refrained from jumping on the Pharrell bandwagon & yes I am fully aware that that might sound kind of weird coming from me. I must admit, he's arguably one of the funniest and brilliant people I've ever come in contact with. Here's what he had to say recently to NYLON TV.

Till next time xoxo
B.C. of L.A. Bella