Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fuck being Cuffed.

So these are bracelets that I want no part of. If you've ever been arrested you know that wearing handcuffs is one of the worst things in the world. So what the fuck makes this line think that we would want to do it voluntarily? Count me out! Might sell well to the lame fronters, who pretend to be hard. I'm sure that's there market anyway. I'll be sure to laugh in there face when I see them. Note to self.

Speaking of being cuffed. I'm not ready to say bye bye to the sexiness that is Tip, but apparently the time has come. Fucking wack ass system. Am I the only one who was impressed with his machine gun collection? Oh & I was just wondering...the rules for conjugated visits are what exactly?

Till next time xoxo Brenn Bangs