Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Soles4Souls Sneaker Party

"We can all be shoe fanatics and humanitarians at the same time"
- Soles4Souls

Bring a pair of your old fresh kicks and you're in!
::: There is such a thing as OLD FRESH kicks right? lol :::

Soles4Souls got together with Puma to throw this amazingly great idea of an event for charity. LOVE IT!!

Lesson Time:
Soles4Souls is an organization dedicated to helping the less fortunate by something as simple (yet fly) as the power of sneaker donations. Their organization uses these kicks to help the families who underwent tragedies caused by all these ridgged natural disasters. Interested?? Here's where to go..
"Changing the world one pair at a time."

But wait, wait, wait, the best part is, our familia U-N-I will be performing at the event. Friday nite, nothing to do, party where entry requires you to bring a pair of shoes, U-N-I!.. Hmmm... sounds like a winner!

You know where to find us.

Until next time, xoxo Jaye of L.A. Bella